第四屆哈潮玩 怪獸造型大賽
第四屆哈潮玩 怪獸造型大賽
第四屆哈潮玩 怪獸造型大賽
第四屆哈潮玩 怪獸造型大賽
2023.12.06 - 2024.01.02
Taipei Syntrend Creative Park
The Fourth Ha-Chao Play Monster Sculpture Contest
TTF 台北國際玩具創作大展
TTF 台北國際玩具創作大展
TTF 台北國際玩具創作大展
TTF 台北國際玩具創作大展
2023.10.07 - 2023.10.10
Taipei Huashan 1914 Creative Park.
20th Taipei Toy Festival 2023
Wonder Festival 2023 Shanghai
Wonder Festival 2023 Shanghai
Wonder Festival 2023 Shanghai
Wonder Festival 2023 Shanghai
2023.10.02 - 2023.10.03
Shanghai SNIEC
Wonder Festival 2023 Shanghai
【高生存力的駝獸商隊保鑣! 】TOYS ALLIANCE 幻古戰記 ARC-36 驅敵旅龜
由 TOYS ALLIANCE 旗下的「Archecore イミルズ戦記」系列日前發表了最新作「ARC-36 皇家商會 驅敵旅龜」塗裝完成品!預計於 2024 年 1月發貨
2023-12-13 15:08
幻古戰記 ARC-34 蜥蜴砲車 登場!!
由 TOYS ALLIANCE 旗下的「Archecore イミルズ戦記」系列日前發表了最新作「ARC-34 熱砂旅團 蜥蜴砲車」塗裝完成品!預計於 2023 年 12 月發貨。
2023-12-13 15:08
Players, through basic painting, scene creation, layering techniques, diverse material texture expressions, as well as personal creativity and narrative, enable an ordinary model toy to break free from its prototype, showcasing the player's individual vitality. This seemingly straightforward experiential activity and initiation have allowed an increasing number of people to engage with and become acquainted with painting and modification. Consequently, they gain insight into the epic narrative perspective and the diverse array of soldiers and vehicles within the Fantasy Chronicles universe.